Bovine TB Risk Map for Great Britain

Click on the interactive map below for information about the different bovine TB risk areas in Great Britain, including surveillance TB testing intervals and whether pre- and/or post-movement TB testing is required.

Area Information

Please select a location on the map for further information.


Edge Area (six month)

Edge Area (annual)

High Risk (six month)

Low Risk Area


High TB

Intermediate TB

Low TB

Scotland & Isle of Man

OTF (Officially TB Free)

Cows grazing - Bovine TB

Useful resources

  • The ibTB online interactive map provides the locations of current and resolved TB breakdowns over the last five years in England and Wales.
  • Detailed reports on bovine TB epidemiology and surveillance in England and Great Britain are available on GOV.UK
  • Descriptive bovine TB epidemiology reports for the Low Risk and Edge Areas of England are available on GOV.UK
  • Check your herd's surveillance TB testing interval using APHA's parish testing interval checker