Approved dedicated TB sales for TB-restricted cattle are approved and licensed by the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA). They operate in certain areas of England and Wales but cannot be approved in Scotland. They include orange markets, and in England only, calf collection centres and herd dispersal sales.
Orange markets (England and Wales)

TB dedicated sales (orange markets) can only be approved in the High Risk and Edge Areas of England, and since 1 January 2021, in the High TB Areas of Wales. They cannot be approved in the Low Risk Area of England or the Low and Intermediate TB Areas of Wales.
Orange Markets provide farmers with a trading option for clear tested cattle from TB-restricted herds. Cattle moving to orange markets cannot be reactors, unresolved inconclusive reactors (IRs) or direct contacts (DCs).
Apart from resolved IRs restricted for life in England, cattle from unrestricted farms, and species of livestock other than cattle are not permitted in the sale.

Markets holding dedicated sales for TB-restricted cattle must have prior approval under the Animal Gatherings Order 2010 in addition to approval as a TB market from APHA.
Cattle must comply with the six day standstill rule under the Disease Control (England) Order 2003. Cattle 42 days of age and older must have had a negative TB skin test within the 90 days before the sale, with the exception of cattle consigned from an Approved Finishing Unit (AFU) or an Approved Finishing Unit (Enhanced) with grazing (AFUE). This exception does not apply if the originating AFU/AFUE has been notified by APHA of a non-compliance with its approval conditions.
Owners of cattle entered for sale must apply to APHA for a movement licence a minimum of five working days before the sale.
Origin of cattle
Cattle can move to an orange market in England and Wales from:
- TB-restricted holdings in England, Wales, and Scotland
- On-farm TB dispersal sales in England only
- AFUs in England and Wales, and AFUEs in England.
Animals that have already moved into an AFU in Wales from an AFU or an AFUE can be moved under licence to an orange market, but a licence condition is that they can then only be sold at the orange market for slaughter, or to an AFU/AFUE in England.
Resolved IRs restricted for life in England from officially TB free (OTF) holdings can enter an orange market in England on a general licence available on GOV.UK, which also allows them to travel on to an AFU/AFUE in England or direct to slaughter. There is no requirement for resolved IRs moving under the general licence to have tested negative for TB before entering the sale. Please note that keepers moving resolved IRs from OTF holdings in England to an orange market in Wales must apply to APHA for a specific licence, since the general licence does not cover movements to Wales.
Destination of cattle
Cattle can move through an orange market to:
- A licensed slaughterhouse in England or Wales
- An AFU in England or Wales, or an AFUE in England
- Back to the AFU/AFUE of origin if the animals did not sell at the market
Cattle cannot be licensed to TB-restricted holdings from an orange market. The only permitted outlets are to slaughter, either directly or via an AFU/AFUE.
Calf collection centres (England only)
Calf collection centres operate in England in the same way as orange markets and provide farmers with a trading option for calves from TB-restricted herds. Calves moving to collection centres must not be reactors, unresolved IRs or DCs. Calves from unrestricted farms, and species of livestock other than cattle are not permitted in the collection.
Calf collection centres must have prior approval under the Animal Gatherings Order 2010 in addition to approval as a TB gathering from APHA. Calves must comply with the six day standstill rule under the Disease Control (England) Order 2003.
Calves 42 days and older entering a collection centre under licence must have had a negative TB skin test within the previous 90 days before the gathering. Owners of calves gathered must apply to APHA for a movement licence a minimum of five working days before the gathering. From the collection centre, calves can move under licence to an AFU/AFUE in England, an AFU in Wales, or direct to slaughter in England and Wales.
Herd dispersal sales (England only)

Dispersal sales for TB-restricted herds may be approved in England, subject to a satisfactory veterinary risk assessment and licence from APHA. They can occur at a dedicated sale site or on-farm.
Cattle sold at an on-farm dispersal sale can be moved under licence
- Directly to slaughter in England and Wales
- To an AFU in England or Wales. Cattle 42 days and older must have had a negative TB skin test within 90 days prior to moving to an AFU
- To another TB-restricted holding in England. Cattle 42 days and older must have had a negative TB skin test within 30 days prior to moving to a TB restricted holding
Cattle sold at a dedicated sale site can be moved under licence
- Directly to slaughter in England and Wales. Cattle 42 days and older must have had a negative TB skin test within 90 days prior to moving to the sale
- To an AFU in England only. Cattle 42 days and older must have had a negative TB skin test within 90 days prior to moving to the sale
Farmers are advised to apply for a TB16c licence to move back to their premises any unsold cattle.
Approval of TB dedicated sales for TB-restricted cattle
TB Dedicated sales are held on sites approved under the Animal Gatherings Order (AGO) 2010 and must be separated in time from other gatherings or sales. Conditions for approval as a dedicated sale for TB-restricted cattle are additional to the conditions under the AGO. Premises must have a licence to hold an animal gathering (AGO02) in place prior to seeking approval from APHA as a dedicated sale. Visit GOV.UK for the conditions for approval and operation of dedicated sales and an application form for an approved dedicated sale. If you need help completing the application form, or require more information, contact APHA using the Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301 (England) or APHA Wales on 0300 303 8268 (Wales).
APHA will assess your application form and may need to contact you for additional information. An APHA vet will then visit the site to check that the terms and conditions of approval and operation can be met. If the visit is satisfactory, then APHA will approve the dedicated sale. If the terms and conditions cannot be met then APHA will explain the reasons why, and what needs to be done to approve the site. APHA will guide you through the application process and it’s important that you retain all documentation relating to your application.
List of orange markets in England
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and is subject to change.
Sell My Livestock
Truro – Lodge & Thomas
Hallworthy – Kivells
Bakewell – Bagshaws Livestock Auctioneers
South Molton Livestock market – Stags
Exeter – Kivells
Holsworthy – Kivells
Newton Abbot – Rendells
Cirencester – VoycePullin
Hereford Market Auctioneers
Ross-on-Wye – RG & RB Williams Auctioneers Ltd
Melton Mowbray cattle market
Shrewsbury Auction Centre – Halls
Market Drayton – Barbers
Bridgnorth – Nock Deighton
Ludlow – McCartneys
Whitchurch calf collection centre – Meadow Quality
Frome Livestock Auctioneers Ltd
Sedgemoor – Greenslade Taylor Hunt
Kenilworth – Rugby Farmers Mart
Salisbury – Southern Counties Auctioneers
Chippenham calf collection centre – Meadow Quality