This guidance applies in England

After movement restrictions have been lifted, your herd will need to complete one or more post-breakdown TB tests (check tests), before returning to its routine surveillance testing regime. Check tests include all animals in the herd except calves under 42 days of age.
You will receive a letter (TR33) informing you that movement restrictions have been lifted and your herd’s officially TB free status has been restored. An official withdrawal of restrictions notice (TB10) will also be posted to you. It’s important that no animals are moved off to another holding until you have the relevant withdrawal of restrictions notice.
Conditions that need to be met to before a TB10 can be issued include:
- All required TB testing must be completed
- No BCMS/test chart discrepancies
- Valid BT05 declaration returned to the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA)
- No outstanding TB PCR or culture results
- No outstanding restrictions or testing for co-located non-bovine species
Post-breakdown testing regimes
Following withdrawal of restrictions a six month check test (6M test) is carried out six months from the date of the last short interval test. If the 6M test is clear, the herd returns to routine six-monthly surveillance testing.
A herd check test six months from the date of the last short interval test is carried out. If the six month check test (6M test) is clear, a further herd check test is carried out 12 months later (i.e. 18 months after the last short interval test). If the 12 month check test (12M test) is clear, the herd returns to routine annual surveillance testing.
A herd check test (12M test) is carried out 8-12 months from the date of the last short interval test for herds on four-yearly surveillance testing. If the 12 month check test (12M test) is clear, the herd returns to routine four-yearly surveillance testing. Post-breakdown herds are subject to pre-movement testing requirements until they return to their four-yearly testing interval.